Monday, August 23, 2010

Simple Indian Bindi (Ladies finger) Masala Cooking Recipe

Simple Indian Bindi (Ladies finger) Masala Cooking Recipe

Simple Indian Bindi (Ladies finger) Masala
          Simple Indian Bindi (Ladies finger) Masala is a vegetarian dish with overtones of North Indian style of cooking.I learnt this recipe during my working days from one of my North Indian friends who would bring it in her tiffin box with rotis.I remember the days when we would swap our tiffin boxes and how I'd lap up delicious North Indian fare like stuffed parathas and chole while my friends would relish our South Indian tiffins like masala dosas,idlis and vada.

          I always tried out different combinations of a particular dish(which is new to me) using different spices with recipes like potato - peas and potato - spinach finally settle for one which is suited to my palate in terms of spice and flavor. If I feel that the flavor of a dish needs to be pepped up a bit in terms of spice then I do make a subtle change without playing too much with the ingredients and cooking style of the authentic original recipe.The end result has never been disappointing so far and I always had my family and friends relish the food served to them.

          Simple Indian Bindi (Ladies finger) masala is very simple,everyday dish regularly cooked in many Indian kitchens.Ladies fingers are cooked in a spiced gravy of onions and tomatoes and it makes a great curry with rice, bread,rotis and chapatis.I also make this sometimes as an accompaniment to a subtle flavored rice or steamed white rice. All children as well as adults definitely like this Simple Indian Bindi (Ladies finger) Masala.

Simple Indian Bindi (Ladies finger) Masala Cooking Recipe


  • Ladies finger (Bindi / vendakka) cut in to two pieces- 250 g
  • Onion chopped finely - 2 large
  • Garlic finely minced - 3 cloves
  • Ginger finely minced – 1 small piece
  • Curry leaves - 2 stems
  • Green chilly slit length wise – 3 no’s
  • Red chilly powder- 1 tbsp (adjust according to your choice)
  • Coriander powder - 1 tsp
  • Turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp
  • Salt- according to your taste
  • Tomatoes finely chopped - 3 medium size
  • Water – 1/4 cup
  • Oil - 4 tbsp
  • chopped coriander leaves for garnish – as required

Simple Indian Bindi (Ladies finger) Masala Cooking Recipe

  • Heat oil in a cooking vessel and add the curry leaves and stir fry for a few seconds till the flavors are released in the oil.
  • Now add onions and saute till the onions turn light brown.
  • Add ginger and garlic and saute till they turn light brown.
  • Add the green chilies .
  • Add the tomatoes and stir fry till the oil separates and it gets mushy.
  • Add all the powders and stir fry till the oil separates and it gets mushy.
  • Add the salt and water. Mix well
  • Add the Ladies finger(Bindi). Mix well and keep covered with a lid on low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Remove lid and cook further for another 3-4 mts stirring once in a while.
  • Add salt (if necessary) and mix it.
  • Turn off heat.Garnish Bindi (Ladies finger) Masala with chopped coriander leaves(if necessary).
  • Serve hot with bread/rotis/chapatis/steamed white rice.

My friends, try this Simple Indian Bindi (Ladies finger) Masala Cooking Recipe today itself !!!

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